Cavalier King Charles: Not Just a Lapdog

The Cavalier is not a lapdog, although that is one of its favourite spots – it is a Companion Dog and indeed is a total companion, sharing in all your activities from a 5km run, a walk around the neighbourhood, a ride in the car or lying at your feet and following you all around the house. They are usually easily trained as all they want to do is please you, plus many are food-driven.

Our rescue Cavaliers have been trained as Agility dogs, used in visits to Aged Care facilities and various other activities.

Rupert is a Story Book dog in a local school. He sits quietly while a child reads to him. This encourages the child to read more and then their reading improves.

Isabella, a little old lady who can’t be expected to get her paws dirty, at work supervising the clean up from the recent floods, and giving comfort to her family.

Cavaliers love doing different things with their humans, and it is good for them both physically and mentally. Charlie is trained to do tricks. Some of his favourites are shown here.

Cavaliers love open spaces and the beach. Not all love the water, but some do!

Another activity they love is Flyball.

Here Pepper shows skills over the jumps.

Photo by Pinnacle Photography


Cavalier Catch Up


Caring for an Older Cavalier King Charles