
This boy is the most charismatic and cheerful lad that you could hope to meet! A late 2020 arrival, we were fortunate to be able to arrange a last-minute photo shoot in order to have ‘Lockie’ star in the 2021 calendar.

Shortly after arrival, aged 11.5 years old, Lockie had treatment for ear infections, a visit to the groomer and embarked upon a weight reduction diet to help drop some of those pesky excess kilos. It is hoped that this will take the stress off his senior joints and assist his comfort levels. Lockie also commenced the supplement Antinol and we look forward to feedback on his progress.

Lockies family-to-be had been patiently waiting for the right dog to come along for over twelve months and it was most definitely a case of love at first sight. Lockie quickly cast his spell and nabbed himself a spot on the couch!



